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145: Can internal and external recruiters be best friends? – The 10 Minute Talent Rant

May 10th, 2023

What’s with the tension? Aren’t we trying to accomplish the same thing?


There’s nothing more counterproductive in all of hiring than the adversarial relationship that (some) internal and external recruiters have. Internals begrudgingly use externals on hard searches when they don’t really want to pay a fee. Externals angle around internals when they don’t feel they’re on a level playing ground.


It’s silly. But what causes it? And why is it so unique to the talent acquisition space compared to other areas of professional services?


Jeff Smith and James Hornick will dig into the insanity and provide a more productive path forward in The 10 Minute Talent Rant, Episode 65 “Can internal and external recruiters be best friends?”


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