Home > Podcast > Talent Insights > 133: Big Tech’s Meltdown, Explained – The 10 Minute Talent Rant

133: Big Tech’s Meltdown, Explained – The 10 Minute Talent Rant

December 20th, 2022

When things go south in the business world, it always feels like the employees are the ones to take the brunt of it.


How are so many companies laying off when unemployment is only 3.7%?


And why are all the biggest names in tech, who had (seemingly) unlimited money a year ago, leading the charge?


Most importantly: what can we learn from this going forward?


Jeff Smith and James Hornick put on their economist hats in Episode 56 of The 10 Minute Talent Rant, “Big Tech’s Layoff Meltdown, Explained.”

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