Home > Podcast > Recruiting Future with Matt Alder > Ep 504: The Future Of Video Interviewing

Ep 504: The Future Of Video Interviewing

March 15th, 2023

In 2013, I wrote a report on the future of asynchronous video interviewing; while a few employers were experimenting with it, there was widespread scepticism about its usefulness and longevity. Fast forward ten years, and we are literally living in a different world. Post-pandemic video now sits at the centre of the working day for many of us, and asynchronous video interviewing is most certainly here to stay.

So how are candidate attitudes towards video evolving, what problems is video interviewing solving for employers, and how will things develop in the future?

My guests this week are the perfect people to answer these questions and give us a deep dive into the market. Phil Strazzulla is the Founder of Select Software Reviews, and Euan Cameron is the CEO at Willo. Keep listening for a mix of practical advice and informed insights about the future of video interviewing.

In the interview, we discuss:

• How video interview has developed since the pandemic

• Evolving attitudes to video

• Is a video interview now an expectation for candidates?

• Removing interview friction

• Point solution or platform?

• The case for asynchronous

• DE&I

• Improving hiring outcomes

• Will the resume ever die?

• How does AI fit into the future of video interviewing?

A full transcript will appear here shortly.

Listen to this podcast in Apple Podcasts.

The post Ep 504: The Future Of Video Interviewing appeared first on The Recruiting Future Podcast.

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