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Why Millennials Don’t Exist, with Brenda Wong of Debut

November 23rd, 2016

Millennials. Some of us market to them. Some of us recruit them. One of us says they don’t exist. That one person is Brenda Wong of Debut.

She recently spoke at #smlondon LIVE! about reaching the toughest audience in the game (especially tough if they don’t exist).

Here are some of the takeaways from our chat:

1. Focus on millennials as a nuanced, varied group of people.
2. A positive sentiment is more inherently shareable than a negative one.
3. When you’re jumping on the current events bandwagon, do so with your brand in mind.
4. Create content that millennials want to put on their personal feeds.
5. Transparency, honesty and utility will do well to encourage emotional resonance.

Read all about it: http://linkhumans.com/podcast

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