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Why Content is King for Employer Branding, with Todd Wheatland

August 23rd, 2016

There are great people out there are considering joining your organisation. Do they apply blindly? Probably not? Do they Google the company and read up on whatever they can find? More likely.

Today I’m speaking to Todd Wheatland of King Content to find out why content is essential for employer branding.

Questions for Todd:

What is King Content and what do you do there? How do organisations use content marketing for employer branding and/or recruiting? With content marketing budgets increasing, is there a risk of content shock (too much of it)? How do we go about measuring ROI from content marketing? Tell us about some of your client success stories? Where is this space heading in over the next few years? Your take on LinkedIn influencers? Tell us about the book you’re writing with Bill Boorman?

And stay tuned for the Aussie Pronunciation Quiz at the end!

Read the full article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/content-employer-branding

Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/linkhumanspodcast

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