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How to Use Snapchat for Social Storytelling, with Victoria Taylor

May 18th, 2016

Have you embraced Snapchat for marketing yet? Many brands are struggling to get their heads around the destructive messaging app which keeps growing and innovating.

To understand what the platform can do for your brand, I’ve spoken to Victoria Taylor of Blend Social.

Questions for Victoria:

Why should brands to be on Snapchat? What’s the key to success on Snapchat? Do you think Snapchat is better for people than for brands? Is the audience on Snapchat interested in what you had for breakfast? What exactly are stories on Snapchat? Sending regular snaps is just person-to-person? How do you get more followers on Snapchat? Images vs. video: What content works best on Snapchat? What’s best practice for drawing and emojis in snaps? What mistakes do you see brands making on Snapchat? How can you use Snapchat for talent attraction and recruiting? What is the return on investment of Snapchat and how do you measure it? What apps and tools are useful to use with Snapchat? Who would you recommend to check out on Snapchat? What’s next for Snapchat? How will the platform evolve?

Answers are all inside, promise!

Our tip of the week is none other than SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com and our big shout goes out to Daniel Cohen: https://twitter.com/danielcohen82.

Read the full show notes: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/snapchat-storytelling

And do remember to subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/smknowhow

Catch up next week!

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