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How to Master Video Marketing with Aimee Bateman

June 11th, 2015

In this interview about video marketing, YouTube guru Aimee Bateman of Careercake answers the following questions:

Why is video marketing important to brands and companies?
Do you have a step-by-step guide to creating effective video content?
What are some of the mistakes to avoid with video marketing?
What technical equipment do you need?
What are some tips and tricks that marketers should know about?
What’s the best platform for video? YouTube vs. Vimeo vs. Wistia vs. Facebook
What are some useful apps, tools and services to help you promote your videos?
How do you measure ROI on video marketing?
What companies are doing video marketing right?

Read the full article: http://linkhumans.com/blog/video-marketing-aimee-bateman-careercake

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