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How Salesforce Drives Employer Brand Through Culture, with Jennifer Johnston

August 22nd, 2017

Tech companies and corporate culture – do they mix? Uber, Google, Amazon seem to have a few issues.

We decided to speak with Jennifer Johnston who is the Head of Global Employer Branding & Recruitment Marketing at Salesforce.

Questions for Jennifer:

Who are you and what do you do?
The tech industry has had a few run-ins with corporate culture lately, how would you describe the culture at Salesforce?
The company has a very outspoken leader in Marc Benioff – does he set the tone?
What are the talent challenges for Salesforce?
What is the EVP/people promise of Salesforce?
How do you break this down into pillars?
How do you communicate and activate this?
What initiatives are you particularly proud of?
How do you measure ROI?
What ROI can you share with us?
What are your top 3 tips to employer brand managers?
What pitfalls should they avoid?
What companies are doing it right?
What’s the next big thing?
Where can people connect with you?

Get the full picture at http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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