Home > Podcast > Employer Branding Podcast > A Dummy’s Guide to Employer Branding, with Lars Schmidt of Amplify Talent

A Dummy’s Guide to Employer Branding, with Lars Schmidt of Amplify Talent

March 1st, 2017

You know a category is heating up when it warrants a Dummies book. Employer Branding has now got the dummy treatment, thanks to our friends and chief Dummkopfs Lars Schmidt and Richard Mosley.

Some dumb questions for Lars:

Who are you and what do you do?
How has the field of Employer Brand evolved over the past several years?
Is the term in ascendancy or worn out?
Why does the world need another book on this topic?
Why dumbing it down?
What are the elements of employer branding?
How do you make the case for employer branding?
How do you develop your EVP?
What are some best practices for employer branding?
Where do you see employer brand heading in the future?
Where can listeners find the book and connect with yourself?

Read the show-notes article: http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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