Home > Podcast > Building a Modern Employer Brand > #176 New insights on LinkedIn Algorithm 2024 that you probably didn’t know

#176 New insights on LinkedIn Algorithm 2024 that you probably didn’t know

March 20th, 2024

Did you know that since LinkedIn changed the feed algorithm in November 2023, reach has dropped more than 50% for most LinkedIn creators?

Furthermore, follower growth has also slowed down to 40% for some compared to just a year ago!

In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, I discuss the significant LinkedIn algorithm 2024 update and how these changes impact how we use LinkedIn today. My struggles with the LinkedIn algorithm have put me off LinkedIn, and it’s time to regain the pleasure of engaging with and building relationships with you guys on LinkedIn.

In this episode:

👉 What are the significant LinkedIn algorithm changes?

👉 How does the new LinkedIn algorithm impact personal and company profiles?

👉 How to make more out of LinkedIn by taking advantage of the new feed algorithm?

🔗 If you want the text version or watch the video version, jump right here >


Are we connected yet on socials? Find my profiles:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susannarantanen/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rantanensusanna/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rantanensusanna

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@rantanensusanna

Check out also Employer Branding Agency Emine’s blog: https://emine.fi/blogi/

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