Home > Podcast > Building a Modern Employer Brand > #171 How appearances influence your career in employer branding

#171 How appearances influence your career in employer branding

February 14th, 2024

What an odd topic for an episode about what (employer) branding really is, isn’t it?

If I got your attention with it, you are in for a treat.

This episode is not about ‘fashion’. It’s about understanding what branding really, beyond logos, taglines and visual identities.

While appearance, as in the visual identity, does have a big role in branding, it’s not the starting point. But it is the point that catches attention, forms and divides opinions, at best!

In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, I aim to clarify what branding an organisation or a person means and requires because it is different to branding products.

For this purpose, I’m using something we can all relate to: ourselves and how our appearances, personality and style choices impact how others perceive us and how that can also drive our success building a career in employer branding.

👉 If you want the text version, jump right here >

Check out also Employer Branding Agency Emine’s blog: https://emine.fi/blogi/

Connect with me on:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susannarantanen/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rantanensusanna/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rantanensusanna

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