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Workforce Revolution: Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere!

November 3rd, 2021

We’re usually pretty skeptical about company-sponsored surveys. Not surprisingly, the data usually turns out to be a self-serving pile of hot garbage or a half-assed attempt at getting some love from the media.

And then there’s Talent Alpha’s new global talent report, “The A3 Work Revolution: Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere.” We dug it so much, we had to have Talent Alpha CEO (and Firing Squad alum) Prez Berendt on the podcast to highlight some of the survey’s finer points and nuances. After that, we dig into a recent acquisition out of the Nordics, claiming to be the most important thing to happen in Scandinavia since the Viking Age. Skol, um, maybe. Then what Chad & Cheese show is complete without something about strippers, porn stars or gun-toting robots, so we have one of those stories too… this time, out of the UK.

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