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LinkedIn is Out for Blood, Indeed is Dining Out and Dice is Out of Gas

August 7th, 2017

The summer of love rolls on, boys and girls. This week, LinkedIn is out for blood, Dice hits rock bottom and there ain’t no party like a microchipping your employee party. But first, the state of Wisconsin is losing its mind or maybe overindulging on cheese curds as one company throws a party to celebrate the microchipping of its employees. There’s even a T-shirt. Then, rural communities are being disenfranchised by the automation of everything. This country, however, is starting to outlaw automation. Take that, free market capitalism. Then, Indeed, not to be outdone on the ATS front by Google Hire, has acquired a business to make it more competitive.

On to LinkedIn, where after a quick rant, the boys talk about a current court case with HiQ and LinkedIn, which could have serious repercussions on the HR tech industry and companies who count on LinkedIn data to do business, as well as discussing further integration into all things Microsoft. And what show would be complete without discussing Google? This week, the boys discuss some of Google Hire’s shortcomings, and there are quite a few. Then, the boys close the podcast by discussing the disaster that is the current state of Dice, a public company that’s tanking, even though tech hiring is at an all-time high.

As always, support our sponsors America’s Job Exchange, Sovren, and Wonscore by Wonderlic. They make this ridiculous podcast possible. Hallelujah!

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