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Firing Squad: Talent Alpha CEO, Przemek Berendt

June 11th, 2020

Every once and awhile, we get a startup on Firing Squad who claims to do it all, or at least almost do it all (none of them can deliver a case of Pabst with your new hire, but whatever).

Talent Alpha out of Poland is once such company. Calling it the human cloud, they’ll find, screen and schedule your next IT pro, promising to give you access to a previously untapped talent pool of 700,000 experienced and project-ready IT specialists working in 25,000 small & medium-sized IT Services Companies across Europe.

One of your fearless podcasters loves the idea; the other one, not-as-much. Checkout founder and CEO Przemek Berendt bring his A-game to The Squad.

Brought to you by our friends at Pandologic, bringing programmatic since 2007 now that’s a yottabyte of job data! What the hell is a yottabyte?

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