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Death Match: Scot Sessions w/ TalVista

June 3rd, 2020

Welcome to Death Match, North America 2020, which took place at TAtech on May 19. For all of you NOOBS who have never experienced Death Match – Death Match is a competition which pits 4 innovative, early-stage companies against one-another, only one can win and emerge with the coveted Death Match Chain of Champions.

This Chad and Cheese Death Match episode feautures Scot Sessions co-founder and CEO at TalVitsa. COVID-19 might’ve locked us all in our homes but never fear! The home bars are always stocked, pints were flowing and Chad and Cheese questions and slurring snark was flying. Luckily Joveo’s CEO, KJ, stepped in to provide a smart and sensible juding voice to this TAtech event…

Enjoy while Scot picthes TalVista and then ducks, bobs, and weaves for the balance of his 15-minutes on the virtual Death Match stage. 

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