5 Ways to Integrate AI into Your DEI Hiring Strategies in 2024

Guest ContributorBy Guest Contributor
February 24th, 2024 • 2 Minutes

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Organizations today face increasing expectations to demonstrate real progress in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts, including around hiring. Many companies realize their workforces do not adequately reflect society’s diversity. At the same time, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) offer new ways to bake DEI into core talent strategies.

When applied thoughtfully, AI has the potential to enhance fairness and mitigate biases inherent in longstanding hiring practices. Data-driven insights can also drive transparency and accountability needed to spur systemic change. This article highlights five ways leading companies leverage AI to cultivate more diverse and inclusive workforces. From matching people based on potential rather than pedigree to revealing inequities in upskilling opportunities, these innovative approaches show how AI can become an ally in pursuing hiring excellence through a DEI lens.

1. Implement Data-Driven Accountability

Adopt data analytics for transparent tracking of DEI progress within hiring and organizational culture. This approach mirrors the anticipated shift towards data-driven DEI accountability, ensuring that hiring practices are not just well-intentioned but also effectively aligned with diversity goals.

2. Expand Access to DEI Data Across the Organization

Make DEI-related data accessible to all managers and decision-makers, not just HR. This strategy supports informed decision-making that positively impacts diversity outcomes at every organizational level, similar to how demographic data and performance reviews can highlight areas for improvement in inclusivity.

3. Leverage AI for Enhanced Matching and Bias Reduction

Use AI-driven platforms like PowerToFly, which boasts over 17 million underrepresented candidate profiles, to ensure a wide and diverse talent pool. Their AI tool, PowerPro, efficiently matches candidates to roles by skill and potential, rather than traditional—often biased—metrics.

“With standout technology, we’re debunking the decades-old myth that a lack of diverse candidates is caused by a pipeline problem. Usually, it can take up to four hours to curate a list of 100 diverse profiles with legacy talent acquisition tools. PowerPro’s AI-powered software generates this pipeline in seconds,” said Milena Berry, CEO and Co-founder of PowerToFly.

4. Foster an Equitable AI Transformation

Engage in strategic partnerships and inclusive recruitment efforts to build diverse talent pipelines. Use AI to identify gaps in diversity and inclusion within your workforce and to connect underrepresented talent with relevant opportunities, echoing the need for equitable AI adoption strategies.

5. Address Inequities in AI Adoption and Upskilling

Prioritize accessible reskilling and upskilling opportunities, especially for groups disproportionately affected by AI and automation. This aligns with the need to mitigate inequities in AI adoption, ensuring all employees have the opportunity to thrive in a technologically advancing workplace.

While utilizing AI to advance DEI hiring strategies involves careful consideration, leading organizations in 2024 are proving it can be done effectively. By leveraging AI for enhanced matching, implementing data-driven accountability, expanding access to insights, building talent pipelines and addressing inequitable impacts, organizations have an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate progress.

However, realizing AI’s full potential requires an equitable mindset that centers underrepresented communities in its development and adoption. Only then can AI-driven hiring strategies shift from well-intentioned to transformational. The examples and insights shared demonstrate key steps toward this vision, where AI actively dismantles barriers and expands opportunities for talent diversity to thrive. The future of work depends on getting there, together.

For a comprehensive list of DEI talent acquisition tools like these and more, visit our marketplace today.

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