Home > Podcast > The Recruitment Flex > Ethical AI w/Chano Fernandez

Ethical AI w/Chano Fernandez

February 20th, 2024

TRF welcomes Chano Fernandez Co-CEO of Eightfold

  • Chano brings an impressive track record with his career built in the HR Tech world and his incredible depth of knowledge from industry giants like SAP and Workday
  • We tackle the topic of how Eightfold, by design, has 2 CEOs.
  • Chano shares his expertise on how AI is being applied for the betterment of HR within organizations. 
  • Internal mobility is the top trend in our space, identifying skills development opportunities and how generative AI, like Chatbots can help co-pilot the HR professional and Leaders. 
  • Advice for organizations considering Talent Intelligence platforms; ask yourself, “Am I ready for this?”  

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