As recruiters our task to build a hiring process which enables our employers and clients to hire the most suitable candidates most efficiently. Whether we use interview, game based assessment, set take home projects, have presentations delivered or even take the candidates out for a meet-the-team exercise, we rarely consider the scenario from the candidate perspective – what are the psychological impacts on the assessments we set? Are they fair?
New thoughts as always in this topic on Brainfood Live On Air
– Assessing the assessment
– What is the least challenging assessment from a psychological perspective?
– Why might job assessment by psychologically challenge to candidates?
– Are certain assessments inherently more challenging?
– In what circumstances would these assessments be fair, regardless of the psychological challenge?
– How can better understanding on psychological impact of assessment types information our CX strategy?
– Is there any way to mitigate per challenge?
– Do we ask the candidate which assessment type would be prefer?
– Do demographics matter in assessment?
– Should we vary assessments according to gender, ethnicity, age etc?
– What tips can be give to organisations who want to be inclusive of all types of people, whilst maintaining a commitment to hire only the most suitable?
All this and more, on Brainfood Live On Air
We’re on Friday 29th September, 2pm BST with Jean-Marie Caillaud, Founder (WorkMeTender), Nikita Mikhailov, Professor of Practice (Hult International), Heloise Thon, Neurodivergent Coach (Freelance), Linnea Bywall, Head of People (Alva Labs)
Ep225 is sponsored by our buddies Tribepad
Let’s not beat about the bush: these are difficult times.
The costs of doing business are soaring, and practically every organisation faces major margin pressure. But that doesn’t stop the fact that today’s biggest recruitment challenges aren’t going away anytime soon. Skills shortages are as big an issue as ever. Turnover is as much a frustration as ever. Great people are as critical to performance as ever.
While other organisations are freezing investment and making do with ‘good enough’ technology, there’s space for forward-looking organisations to sweep in and create a competitive edge.
Especially now, securing investment for new talent tech can be tough. You need to create a compelling business case to make that investment a no-brainer.
Tribepad have created the complete 7 step process to building that critical business case. You can download it here: