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Fear, Loathing, and ZipRecruiter

April 16th, 2021

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy added 233K jobs in January, 468K in February, and 916K in March. So, everyone who got a pink slip last year should be rejoicing and fully employed, right? Think again.

  • Virus fears, childcare uncertainty and unawareness are keeping candidates on the sidelines.
  • It’s also sparking solutions like ZipRecruiter to reach for solutions,
  • Degreed gained unicorn status (that makes eight in 2021) this week,
  • Amazon beat back unionization #sad
  • Salesforce rolled out the welcome mat for vaccinated employees
  • …and Dominos used robots to deliver pizzas in what looks like “a toaster with wheels” in Houston.

Now bow down to your robot overlords, but hold the anchovies. As always, thank Sovren, JobAdx and Jobvite for all this cheesy goodness.

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