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Corp America Hates Mom

October 14th, 2020

Mom’s are the best, but they usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to career advancement. Then COVID comes along and we all start to understand the trials and tribulations of balancing a house, work, and life much like working mothers have since… FOREVER.

Mom’s already had cred, but this is a new kind of cred complete with a new world type of balance, management, and leadership. Plus a need for equal hiring practices and top talent… Enter The Mom Project who hopes to invigorate and balance the market. The Chad and Cheese have a chat with CEO and founder Allison Robinson to check on the current state of moms in the workforce, the impact of COVID, governments role and much more.

Enjoy this groove filled podcast provided by Sovren. AI so human you’ll eat that robot’s fresh baked cookies and just as sleep tight…

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