Home > Podcast > Talent Cast > 115: EP 115 – The Trouble with Tools

115: EP 115 – The Trouble with Tools

March 25th, 2019

How much time do you think you spend on the tools you and your team use to source and recruit? Add in vendor demos and evaluation trials and internal conversations (not to mention budget conversations) and it adds up. But how often have those tools worked out? How often have they delivered the promised results? When it’s all over, was spending that time and money worth it? What if there was a way to ensure that your new tools work out? In this podcast, you’ll get ten questions to ask before you buy anything to eliminate buying regrets. Show notes:

MRA Waukesha
ERE San Diego
SHRM Talent
Strive Conference
MRA Bettendorf
SRSC Philly
MRA Minneapolis

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