Home > Podcast > Talent Acquisition In The Trenches > 3: Shana Lewis: Workforce Development, Apprenticeship Programs, and finding your Noble purpose.

3: Shana Lewis: Workforce Development, Apprenticeship Programs, and finding your Noble purpose.

September 8th, 2022

“Now is our opportunity to run into the fire and solve this workforce crisis.” Shana Lewis – VP, Talent Acquisition and Workforce Development at Trinity Health.

Shana’s role at Trinity Health and in the national workforce development community has her focus daily on looking for the most innovative solutions to close our workforce gaps. 

In this episode, she dives deep into three key pillars of her strategy: apprenticeship programs, career navigation, and the wrap-around services for our colleagues.

Connect with Shana by email at: Shana.Lewis@trinity-health.org



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