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7: People Heroes Rising: Expanding Through the The Raw Power of Analytics with Tom McKeown Product Owner for Predictive People Analytics Solutions at isolved

November 20th, 2023

Does your organization take advantage of all its data? In this episode of People Heroes Rising podcast, William Tincup learns about leveraging analytical data from Tom McKeown, Product Owner for Predictive People Analytics Solutions at isolved.

Live at the isolved Connect roadshow in Palm Springs, Tom talks about his journey from a homegrown product owner to becoming full blown part of isolved after his company was purchased. McKeown gives insight into the company's new initiative of embedding analytics throughout the platform, making analytics easier and more accessible for users. McKeen also talks about future plans for integrating AI technologies into the platform, primarily natural language processing. 

Improvement through leveraging data, customer feedback, and planning for the future is an important mindset if you want to keep everyone happy.  If there's aspects of your organization that are not performing well, you could just be one data set away from actionable insights. Listen in to learn more.

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