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157: meQuilibrium – New Data On The Threats To Employee Wellbeing With Jan Bruce & Brad Smith

January 18th, 2022

On today’s episode of the RecruitingDaily Podcast, William Tincup speaks with guests Jan Bruce and Brad Smith of meQuilibrium about employee wellbeing.

Jan and Brad are in the virtual studio today to discuss data focused around current threats to employee wellbeing.  They are observing an upward trend over the past 18 or 19 months in stress, burnout, and work life imbalance due to the pandemic.

All of these things certainly have a cumulative effect on employee wellbeing.

meQuilibrium is an HR SaaS digital platform, built to help employers and workforces deal with the challenges of work and life. These challenges can include stress, burnout and mental health as well as purpose and personal wellbeing. People access the program through a personalized app that acts like a personalized coach for each individual.

Our employee wellbeing experts discuss:

  • We discuss their tools to help predict or identify levels of burnout across an entire organization.
  • How the cycle begins with stress, moves to burnout and ends with employees leaving.
  • Perceived support is shown to have a powerful, protective impact on wellbeing.

Tune in for the conversation.

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