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10: People Heroes Rising: Getting Your Company out of Survival Mode with Amy Mosher Chief People Officer at isolved

November 20th, 2023

Scarcity is a dangerous feeling. It makes you rethink your risky decisions, but sometimes you can't grow a company without taking a chance. In today's episode of the People Heroes Rising podcast, William Tincup travels to the isolved Connect conference to uncover how an organization can thrive in scarcity. Here in Palm Springs, our special guest Amy Mosher, Chief People Officer at isolved, speaks on the mindset one must take when resources are few and far between.

So, how do you shift from survival to an optimization mindset? Among a million things, focusing on best practices, scaling to the next level, and maintain a strong company culture. Listen to your customers above all else, as without them this is all for nothing. And don't stop networking! Build a strong relationship with companies, competitors, and other successful people so a helping hand is just a call away.

Besides digging yourself out of a trench, Amy speaks of her role as the Head of People, and the company's commitment to its employees and the positive culture it fosters. Meeting customer needs has always been isolved's main goal, through feedback and expanding their product offerings.

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