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The impact of Russia’s invasion on Ukraine-based Relocate.me

February 23rd, 2023

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 20, 2014, capturing strategic sites across Crimia. Within weeks, Russian forces and militia allied with Russia controlled not just Crimia, but also substantial portions of eastern Ukraine.

Six years later on February 24, 2022, Russia again invaded Ukraine but this time its goal was to conquer the entire country. Ukraine, with substantial aid from other nations, fought back but at a terrible price with tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands killed and wounded on both sides and likely hundreds of billions of dollars in property losses. Yet, despite the war, there have been heartwarming stories. Some of those involve the adaptation by Ukrainian businesses and ordinary citizens in how they lead their lives and help their friends, family, and neighbors. Relocate.me, a Ukrainian job board for those seeking to work in other countries, is a prime example, as is its founder, Andrew Stetsenko. The business continues to operate under the leadership of Andrew even while he spends a substantial amount of his time procuring humanitarian supplies at border crossings and then delivering it to Ukrainian citizens, many of whom would have suffered greatly and perhaps even died without Andrew’s volunteer efforts.

In this special episode, co-hosts Peter M. Zollman of AIM Group and Steven Rothberg of College Recruiter talk with Andrew about what business and life was like before and since the invasions and what those of us outside of Ukraine can do to help.

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