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“How did job board HBCU Connect build the largest community of students attending historically black colleges and universities? “

January 12th, 2023

Will Moss attended Hampton University in Virginia after not knowing what a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) was but graduated with a passion for creating community amongst the students and alumni of the 100+ HBCUs. As a software engineer, he was able to build one of the first online communities at a time when Monster and Careerbuilder dominated the job board world and added a job board feature after repeated requests from employers who wanted a better way to reach, engage, and ultimately hire members of the HBCU Connect community.

In this episode, you’ll roll your eyes probably more than once at some of the jokes co-hosts Peter M. Zollman of AIM Group and Steven Rothberg of College Recruiter throw back-and-forth, but mostly you’ll walk away better informed about how building a thriving community first and then adding a job board component later can pay massive dividends for both sides of the double-sided marketplace: the candidates and the employers.

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