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How to Develop an Effective EVP, with Maren Hogan of Red Branch Media

February 21st, 2017

What is an employer value proposition? Do you need one? To find out, I’ve spoken to Maren Hogan who is the Chief Marketing Brain at Red Branch Media in Omaha, Nebraska. She is a seasoned recruiting and employment marketer and has written and spoken numerous times about employer value propositions.

Questions for Maren:

What is EVP?
Why is it important?
How does it differ from USP?
What size of company needs an EVP?
What’s your step-by-step approach to creating a strong EVP?
What are some pitfalls companies should avoid?
How can we measure ROI?
What companies have good EVPs that we can learn from?
What’s the next big thing for employer branding?
Where can people connect with you?
What happened to Marenated?
Give us your lamest joke? (It’s actually pretty good)

Show notes: http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

The Employer Brand Index: https://employerbrandindex.co

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