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How to Build an Audience on Social Media, with Jeff Rohrs of Salesforce

March 9th, 2015

Jorgen Sundberg speaks to Jeff Rohrs, VP, Marketing Insights at Salesforce and author of Audience: Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans & Followers.

Questions that Jeff answers in this episode:

1. What is the value of a social audience and how can you measure it?
2. What are some of the challenges companies face in terms of audiences?
3. How do you segment audiences and how do you attract each segment?
4. What are your top 3 tips for companies to build an audience on social media?
5. Can you recommend any further resources and how can people connect with you?

Read the full article: http://linkhumans.com/blog/build-audience-social-media
Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/smknowhow

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