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How to Become a Listening Brand, with JR Little of Carat

March 22nd, 2016

How can brands benefit from becoming listening brands? How do you go about setting up a listening infrastructure? What are some of the typical pitfalls?

We speak to JR Little, who is the author of “Listening Brands – How Data is Rewriting the Rules of Branding“, and Global Head of Innovation at Carat to get the scoop.

A few questions for JR:

Tell us about yourself and your work?
What’s the paradigm shift in branding and marketing?
Why do we need to become listening brands?
What’s a step-by-step guide to becoming a listening brand?
Where do brands get it wrong?
How do you build an effective listening infrastructure (what tech do you use?)
How can you ensure to understand different types of social data?
What social and digital channels work best for listening?
What’s the ROI of becoming a listening brand?
What are some listening brands that are doing it right and why?
What’s your personal social media channel of choice?
Does branding still make a difference?

Read the article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/listening-brand-jr-little
All podcast articles: http://linkhumans.com/podcast
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