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How Microsoft’s Purpose Drives Employer Brand, with Paul Davies

August 30th, 2017

How can a not-so-cool any more tech company attract the best talent? By aligning its people promise with its overall purpose. What’s the company? What’s the purpose? Stay tuned – all shall be revealed in this week’s expert interview.

OK, I’ll reveal it now. Paul Davies is a Consumer Marketing Director at Microsoft, I asked him the following questions:

Who are you and what do you do?
What’s the corporate culture like at Microsoft?
What talent challenges are you faced with?
What the EVP/people promise of Microsoft? (Break down into pillars if possible)
How do you communicate and activate this?
What initiatives are you particularly proud of?
How do you go about measuring ROI on employer brand?
What are your top 3 tips to employer brand managers?
What companies inspire you?
What’s up next for EB in general? GOT NOTHING
Where can people connect with you?

Get the full scoop at http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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