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How Cisco Uses Snapchat for Talent Branding, with Carmen Collins

July 26th, 2016

Cisco is the largest networking company in the world with over 70,000 employees.

How does it use Snapchat for employer branding? I’ve spoken to Carmen Collins to find out.


Tell us about Cisco and what you do there?
Tell us about We Are Cisco on Snapchat?
How did you go about setting this up?
What challenges did you face with Snapchat?
Who are the Kitten Rainbow Unicorns?
What content gets posted on WeAreCisco’s Snapchat account?
What’s the ROI and how do you measure it – any hires?
Has it influenced hiring decisions?
Do you use Snapchat yourself?
Do many existing Cisco employees use it you think?
What brands inspire you on Snapchat?
What’s the next big thing for Snapchat and employer branding/recruiting?
Where can we learn more and connect with yourself?

Read the podcast article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/cisco-snapchat-talent-branding

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