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Employee Engagement is Dead, Long Live Employee Experience! Feat. Cliff Ettridge

September 5th, 2017

I love a bold statement. “Employee engagement is dead” is up there, and I had to have a chat with Cliff Ettridge to learn more.

Cliff is a partner at The Team, a communications agency in London. Here’s what I had to ask him:

Who are you and what do you do?
Why is employee engagement dead?
How do you get more money for internal communications?
Tell us about the lack of diversity in employee communications?
What is your definition of employer brand?
How can we measure ROI?
No 1 tip for EB managers
What companies are doing it right?
What’s up next for employee comms?
Where can people connect with you?

Get the full scoop at: http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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