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Creating Employer Brand Content that Moves People, with Will Staney

May 3rd, 2017

This week we chat with Will Staney of Proactive Talent all about engaging content for employer branding. Questions for Will:

Tell us about Proactive Talent and what you do?
What’s your take on employer brand?
Why is content important for employer branding?
What’s a step-by-step to success with it?
What are some pitfalls to avoid?
How can we measure ROI?
What companies are doing it right?
What’s the next big thing?

Get the full scoop at http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

Finally, Will Staney is one of 10 experts, along with Lars Schmidt, Stacy Zapar and Craig Fisher over on Undercover Recruiter, our recruiting & talent acquisition blog. Every other week they answer questions such as “How do we Fix Candidate Experience”, “How can recruiters avoid being replaced by AI” and the highly relevant “How can recruiters create compelling content” Check out the panel at http://theundercoverrecruiter.com

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