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A Short Introduction to (Employer) Branding, with Robert Jones of Wolff Olins

July 4th, 2017

Robert Jones is the author of “Branding: A Very Short Introduction, by Robert Jones”. He is also a strategist at Wolff Olins, one of the world’s leading branding consultancies, and visiting professor at the University of East Anglia, where he teaches a unique postgraduate course on brand leadership. At Wolff Olins, he has helped build brands like Barclays, National Trust, Oxfam, Tesco, and Virgin.

Questions for Robert:

Who are you and what do you do?
What prompted you to write this book?
Bold statement: “branding is the most powerful commercial and cultural force on the planet” – please explain!
What is the complex thing called ‘brand’?
What is the relation between “regular” brand and employer brand?
Why do we still fall for brands (even when we are cynical marketers?)
How do brands work their magic on a tactical level?
What can a strong brand do for your recruiting and retention efforts?
Tell us about the big business of branding – and how we can calculate ROI?
What’s the do’s and don’ts in branding?
What companies are doing it right?
Where can people connect with you?

Full transcript at http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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