4 Technical Must-Haves for Video Interviewing Software

Rodney HessBy Rodney Hess
January 8th, 2024 • 6 Minutes

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The recruitment marketing industry has undergone huge shifts in recent years. Traditional face-to-face interviews have increasingly given way to digital alternatives, with video interviewing software emerging as a critical component in the hiring process. This evolution is not merely a response to logistical challenges but a strategic embrace of technology’s potential to widen talent pools, enhance efficiency and foster inclusivity.

However, transitioning to video interviews requires more than just a camera and microphone. It requires a thorough understanding of the technical aspects to ensure a seamless, professional and fair interview process. This involves:

  • Choosing the right software
  • Setting up an appropriate environment
  • Understanding the importance of good lighting and sound
  • Preparing for potential technical issues 

It’s not only about replicating the face-to-face experience digitally but enhancing it through the capabilities that technology offers.

By understanding and leveraging the right technology, both parties can engage in meaningful, productive dialogue, making the interview process more efficient and effective. 

Let’s check out four major ways to ensure you are working with the best tech must-haves for your video interviewing process.

1. Setting the Stage – Video Interview Environment

By carefully setting the stage, you’ll create a conducive environment that allows both you and the interviewer to concentrate on the conversation, increasing your chances of a successful video interview.

Choosing the Right Location

The location of your interview can significantly impact the perception of professionalism and attentiveness. Select a quiet, indoor location where you can control the environment. Avoid places with a busy or cluttered background that can distract the interviewer. The goal is to create a calm, orderly setting that allows the interviewer to focus solely on you and your responses.

Lighting and Angles

Lighting can make or break the visual quality of your video. Natural light is ideal, so try to set up near a window that allows for even, soft lighting on your face. However, avoid direct sunlight or backlighting, which can lead to overexposure or silhouette effects. 

If natural light isn’t sufficient or available, try using additional lamps or ring lights. Place the light source in front of you, slightly above eye level, to illuminate your face evenly and avoid shadows. 

As for camera angle, position the camera at or slightly above eye level. The aim is to mimic an in-person conversation, making the interaction feel as natural as possible.

Minimizing Distractions

An interview requires full attention from both parties. To ensure a focused and interruption-free environment, notify others in your vicinity about your interview to avoid unexpected noises or interruptions. 

Close windows to minimize outdoor noise, and consider turning off or silencing unnecessary devices. 

You should also consider hiding the self view so you’re not distracted by your own video during the interview.

Pay attention to what’s visible in your camera frame and remove any distracting or personal items. Remember, a tidy and controlled space not only helps you focus but also sends a message of organization and attention to detail. 

2. Technical Gear – The Hardware Essentials

Investing time and resources in upgrading and testing your technical gear before an interview is crucial. This not only ensures a smooth and professional interaction but also demonstrates to potential employees your attention to detail and commitment to effective communication. 

Remember, in the digital world of recruitment, your technical setup is a fundamental aspect of your presentation and can significantly impact the overall impression you make on a candidate.

Camera Quality

In a video interview, the first impression is no longer a firm handshake; it’s the visual clarity you present. A high-definition webcam is pivotal in ensuring that your image is clear and professional. 

The standard for modern webcams is 1080p resolution, which offers a sharp and detailed image. If your built-in camera produces grainy or blurred images, it’s worth investing in an external webcam that can provide the clarity and fidelity needed to present yourself professionally. 

Remember, a good camera not only improves how you are viewed but also enhances eye contact and non-verbal communication, key components of any interview.

Sound Matters

Audio quality is equally important as visual in a video interview. Muffled or echoing audio can distract from the content of your conversation and can lead to miscommunications. 

Consider using an external microphone instead of your device’s built-in microphone. External microphones often provide clearer sound and better noise cancellation. Before the interview, test your microphone in the space you’ll be using to ensure it adequately captures your voice and minimizes background noise. 

Additionally, using headphones can prevent echo and feedback that might occur from your device’s speakers.

Reliable Internet Connection

The backbone of any successful video interview is a reliable internet connection. A weak or unstable connection can lead to video lag, delays, or even disconnection, disrupting the flow of conversation and potentially impacting the interviewee’s perception of your preparedness. 

Before your interview, test your internet speed; video calls typically require a minimum of 1.5 Mbps for upload and download for a standard quality video call, but higher is better for HD video. 

Consider using a wired connection if possible, as this can be more stable than wireless. If you’re on Wi-Fi, ensure you’re close to the router or using a Wi-Fi extender to strengthen the signal. 

3. Software Selection – Picking the Right Platform

Selecting the right video interviewing software involves a balance of functionality, security, and user experience. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can choose a platform that not only meets your organizational needs but also provides a seamless, secure and positive experience for both your team and the candidates. 

Luckily, we’ve got an extensive marketplace available with tons of options, and we’ve even put together a list of our top video interview software companies to use in 2024.

Compatibility and Features

When selecting a video interviewing platform, it’s essential to ensure that it aligns seamlessly with your existing systems and workflows. Consider the software’s compatibility with your operating system and any other tools or applications, such as calendar apps or Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), that you regularly use. 

This integration is crucial for streamlining the recruitment process and avoiding the hassle of juggling multiple platforms.

Moreover, delve into the specific features offered by the software. Look for functionality that will enhance the interview experience, such as the ability to easily schedule interviews, send reminders or share documents. 

Some platforms may offer additional features like AI-driven analytics or the ability to conduct group interviews, which could be particularly beneficial depending on your organization’s needs. 

Ease of use is another critical factor; a platform that is intuitive and straightforward minimizes setup time and reduces the chances of technical difficulties during interviews.

Security and Privacy Considerations

Data security and privacy are essential, especially when handling personal information of candidates. Ensure that the video interviewing platform adheres to the highest standards of data protection and complies with relevant privacy laws like GDPR or HIPAA, if applicable. 

Investigate whether the platform encrypts video calls and how it stores any recorded interviews or candidate information. You should also inquire about the provider’s data breach protocols and recovery measures to understand how your data is safeguarded against potential cybersecurity threats.

User Interface and Experience

The user interface of the video interviewing platform should be straightforward and accessible for both interviewers and interviewees. A user-friendly interface ensures a smooth experience for candidates, who may vary in their comfort and familiarity with technology. It also reduces the preparation time needed before interviews, as users don’t have to navigate through complex features or settings.

Pay attention to the onboarding process provided by the software vendor. Platforms that offer comprehensive tutorials, customer support or demo videos can significantly enhance the user experience. Furthermore, consider the software’s performance across different devices and internet speeds, especially if you are interviewing candidates who may have varying levels of access to high-tech equipment.

4. Troubleshooting Common Issues

By anticipating technical issues and having a set of backup plans, you can mitigate the impact of unforeseen technical difficulties and maintain the flow and professionalism of the interview process. 

Remember, the goal is not just to complete the interview and hire a candidate, but to ensure that both parties have a positive and productive experience.

Technical Difficulties

Technical issues are not a question of if, but when. Preparation is key to ensuring these don’t derail an entire interview. Common technical problems include software crashes, audio or video malfunctions or connectivity issues. 

Before the interview, familiarize yourself with the most common issues associated with your chosen platform. Learn the quick fixes, such as adjusting the audio settings, restarting the app, or checking for updates that might resolve glitches.

Keep the support contact details for the software handy, so you can quickly get professional help if needed. Also, conduct a test run before the actual interview to ensure everything is working correctly, preferably with a colleague or friend who can provide feedback on the audio and video quality.

Backup Plans

Despite all preparations, sometimes technology fails in unexpected ways. Having a backup plan ensures that the interview process can continue smoothly. Here are a few strategies:

  • Secondary Device: Always have a second device, such as a tablet or smartphone, charged and ready. Ensure that all necessary software is installed and logged in on this device too. If your primary computer fails, you can quickly switch to the secondary device without significant delay.
  • Alternative Software: Sometimes, the issue might be with the specific video platform. Having an alternate, well-known and reliable video conferencing tool at your disposal can save the day. Inform the candidate in advance that there might be a change in the platform in case of technical difficulties.
  • Phone Interview: As a last resort, be prepared to switch to a traditional phone call. While this lacks the visual aspect of video interviews, it ensures that the conversation can still take place. Provide your phone number and have the candidate’s phone number on hand so you can quickly pivot to a phone interview if all else fails.
  • Clear Communication: If any issues arise, communicate clearly and calmly with the candidate. Technical difficulties are not uncommon, and your ability to handle the situation professionally leaves a positive impression, reflecting the adaptability and problem-solving culture of your organization.

The right preparation and understanding of video interviewing software and technical requirements can significantly enhance the recruitment experience. By considering these essential technical features, you can ensure a smooth, professional and efficient interview process.

For more video interviewing tools and many others to help your recruitment marketing efforts, visit our marketplace now. Happy hiring!

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