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Exorcising Our Demons

February 14th, 2021

Crazy shit has been going down, right? 

What we need right now is a good exorcism. 

But it’s so damned hard to allow your demons out for everyone to see, let alone exorcise them. If you live in the U.S. or have been watching the events over the past four years the demons are out, but not even close to exorcised. The Chad & Cheese sit down with Torin Ellis for a series of very uncomfortable conversations that need to happen. 

If you can’t handle truth tellin’ this interview with Torin Ellis might be too much for you, although it is something we all need. Sit back, listen, tweet, and do whatever it takes to unload as we all disagree, yet try to find our way back to common ground.  

This Chad and Cheese counseling session is powered by Sovren, AI so smart it doesn’t need this kind of drama

Stay tuned for episode 2 coming soon. 

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