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Why Employees Are Your New Marketers, with Michael Brenner

May 16th, 2017

40 is the new 30, orange is the new black and HR is the new marketing. You what now?

Michael Brenner is the CEO of Marketing Insider Group and believes employees represent the greatest opportunity to create meaningful marketing programs.


Tell us about Marketing Insider Group and what you do?
Your own employees represent the greatest opportunity to create meaningful marketing and to develop Human Resources programs that increase sales, while also finding and retaining top talent. – please elaborate?
What’s the link between content marketing and HR?
Value for employees/budding content marketers: Grow your personal brand, Increase or establish your authority on the topics you are interested in, Gain new social media followers, Maybe even find that new job or get promoted
What you can do activate HR as the new Marketing:
How can we create a Customer-Centric Vision
How do you create Content Employees Want To Share
Finally, how do we go about to Measure The Results
What are some pitfalls to avoid?
What companies are doing it right?
What’s the next big thing for HR & marketing?
Where can people connect with you?

Get the full scoop at: http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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