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How UMB Banks on Employee Storytelling, with Riana Maus

January 24th, 2019

Today we’re talking to an American financial services company that’s based its employer brand on storytelling, life-cycle mapping, being present and authenticity by showcasing its people in the stream of content. Just wait till you hear about the casting calls!

Riana Maus is a Communication Brand Specialist and helps manage UMB’s employer brand messaging and recruitment marketing. She’s a story-teller, a social media advocate and a writer. Her role involves website building, generating social content, targeted communications, event assistance and much more. Riana’s goal is to drive potential candidates to UMB’s platforms and engage with current associates.

Subscribe to this podcast: https://employerbrandingpodcast.com

Riana on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rianamaus/

UMB careers: https://www.umb.com/personal/aboutumb/careers

The Complete Guide to Measuring Employer Brand: https://linkhumans.com/measuring-employer-brand-guide/

The Employer Brand Index: https://employerbrandindex.co

Thanks for tuning in!

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