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A Guide to Recruitment Marketing, with Lisa Jones of BarclayJones

January 12th, 2017

How can agency recruiters market themselves, their companies and ultimately their candidates? The secret lies with recruitment marketing. I’ve spoken to my buddy (and Undercover Recruiter blogger extraordinaire) Lisa Jones of BarclayJones to learn more.

Questions for Lisa:

Tell us about your organisation and what you do?
What is recruitment marketing?
Why is it important?
Step-by-step guide to success (and pitfalls to avoid)?
What tech should recruiters be using for marketing?
What’s the ROI and how do you measure it?
What brands/organisations inspire you?
Buzzword bingo: What’s the next big thing?
Where do you want to send our listeners?

Read all about it: http://employerbrandingpodcast.com

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