Home > Podcast > Building a Modern Employer Brand > #145 From recruiting on social media to social recruiting

#145 From recruiting on social media to social recruiting

May 31st, 2023

In today’s Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast episode, you learn about social recruiting which is different to recruiting on social media. And, you’ll also learn why it’s time to move from simply recruiting on social media to social recruiting. My name is Susanna Rantanen, and my employer branding agency Emine has been recognised as one of the Top 10 European Employer Branding Agencies. We work with HR, talent acquisition, marketing and communications and hiring managers to apply content, social media marketing and persuasive communication to convince and convert talents to choose your company over and over again. Find me at https://www.rantanensusanna.com for more information. Did you want to read this audio recording as show notes? Go to: bit.ly/42euMbz ************** 📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM ************** 💟 Find me @‌rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!

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