Home > Podcast > Building a Modern Employer Brand > #131 Why and how to create high-quality content – 8 tips

#131 Why and how to create high-quality content – 8 tips

February 22nd, 2023

High-quality content is far more important than the quantity of content shared with your audiences. If you don’t have a lot of time to invest in content creation, invest more time in the quality and simply post less. In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, we talk about high-quality content, and I share eight tips to increase the quality of the content you produce and share with your audiences. Check out for the transcript of this episode on my blog: 🔗 https://bit.ly/3XHbVDE 📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM 💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!

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