The Do’s and Don’ts of Recruitment Marketing Videos

Maury HaniganBy Maury Hanigan
May 15th, 2022 • 2 Minutes

How should you approach video? There’s no one “right way,” though there are some best practices that can enhance your chances of success. Here are some guidelines to help you hone your recruitment marketing strategy.

Do Focus on the Problem

The best marketing campaigns always start with a series of questions. Why are you creating a video? What business challenges are you currently facing? How will a video address these challenges? Addressing these questions will give your videos greater focus and can help them stand out from other generic recruitment videos that give vague answers to standard questions. .

Do Know Your Audience

You have a lot to say. But instead of focusing on what you want to communicate, think about what your audience wants to hear. You may feel pride in your company’s long history, but job seekers might be more interested in how you’re pursuing new markets or the flexibility they might find in your work hours.

Do Let Your People Speak

The best videos feature actual employees talking directly to the audience. But, try to avoid using a script. Scripted content comes across as company propaganda. Instead, make the videos unscripted and authentic, giving viewers a real look at your company culture.

Don’t Overproduce Your Video

Naturally, you want your videos to be professional, but that doesn’t mean they have to be polished. Don’t worry if your backgrounds aren’t perfectly lit or framed. Those videos can feel stale. Job seekers want and believe in authenticity, so don’t be afraid to showcase your company culture in its most genuine form.

Don’t Make Them Too Long

Think of your recruitment marketing video as more of a trailer than a movie. You don’t want to make your videos any longer than 30 seconds. Sure, it can be hard to decide what to leave on the “cutting room floor” but it may actually help you refine your broader strategy if you boil down your business to its core essentials.

Don’t Forget the Captions

This sounds basic, but make sure your videos contain accurate, easy-to-read captions. This helps not only the hearing impaired but anyone who might be streaming your content at a busy coffee shop or sitting at their desk at their current job.

Getting Started

Using video as part of your recruitment marketing strategy can help you connect more authentically and credibly with potential candidates. But, you don’t have to invest a substantial amount of money in equipment or use an in-house studio to create powerful content. With just a little bit of creativity and a phone camera, you can get started now using video to tell your employer brand story and build inspired teams.

Check out Why Is Video Important In Recruitment Marketing? to learn more!

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