TA Week 2024 Session Recap: Strategies for Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

RecruitmentMarketing.com ReporterBy RecruitmentMarketing.com Reporter
February 1st, 2024 • 2 Minutes

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At Talent Acquisition Week 2024, Hector Cerezo, Head of Talent Acquisition (Latin America) at TrueNorth, shared his strategy for advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) within his talent acquisition practice. Cerezo emphasized that the path to a more diverse and inclusive workplace starts with SMART goals and data-driven decisions, offering a practical approach to talent acquisition professionals.

Embedding DE&I in Recruitment through SMART Goals

SMART goals are a cornerstone at TrueNorth, as they provide a structured and transparent way to set and measure commitments. This approach ensures that DE&I objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, allowing TrueNorth to systematically track and improve diversity in their talent acquisition. It embodies their dedication to creating an inclusive workplace and reflects their belief that a diverse workforce is key to fostering innovation and excellence.

Inclusive Language as a Tool for Diverse Talent Attraction

Cerezo highlighted that job descriptions are oftentimes the first point of contact that candidates have with a company, and inclusive language is crucial to involving all qualified candidates in the conversation. Commonly used words like “guru,” “rockstar,” and “ninja” are gendered and can alienate a significant number of qualified applicants. He recommends using tools like Gender Decoder to get a fresh perspective and check for bias in job descriptions. 

Standardize and Structure Interview Steps

To effectively integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) into your talent acquisition process, it’s crucial to standardize and structure your interview steps. This not only ensures a fair and unbiased approach but also actively contributes to building a diverse and inclusive workforce. Here are key actions you can take:

  • Develop a consistent set of interview questions that focus on core competencies, job-specific skills, and DE&I values.
  • Train interviewers on structured interview techniques and unconscious bias awareness.
  • Create diverse interview panels to bring varied perspectives into the evaluation process.
  • Implement scoring rubrics to objectively assess candidate responses.
  • Regularly review and update interview questions to reflect evolving DE&I goals.
  • Incorporate situational or behavioral questions that reveal a candidate’s approach to diversity and inclusion.
  • Ensure that interview logistics and formats are accessible and inclusive for all candidates.
  • Provide DE&I training and resources for all hiring team members.
  • Encourage interviewers to share feedback and insights collaboratively to avoid isolated decision-making.
  • Monitor and analyze hiring data to identify trends and areas for improvement in the interview process.

Leveraging Data to Drive DE&I Forward

Cerezo emphasizes the importance of data in shaping and guiding DE&I efforts, because we can only understand what we have tracked. By monitoring diversity metrics and analyzing recruitment trends, TrueNorth is able to assess the effectiveness of their DE&I strategies and make informed adjustments. This data-driven approach enables the team to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes in their journey towards a more inclusive workplace. In your Talent Acquisition tech stack, choose tools that offer accurate and user-friendly data tracking experiences.

As organizations continue to prioritize DE&I, Cerezo’s best practice demonstrate how strategic planning, coupled with a commitment to data-driven decision-making, can lead to impactful and lasting changes in the recruitment landscape. TrueNorth’s journey under Cerezo’s guidance is a testament to the transformative potential of integrating DE&I objectives seamlessly into talent acquisition strategies, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future in the workplace.

For a comprehensive list of the top DEI talent acquisition tools to help with your recruitment efforts, visit our marketplace now. Happy hiring!

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